Contest Details

2025 Living Now Book Awards

Welcome to the Living Now Book Awards online entry page. This contest is for lifestyle, homestyle, personal development and wellness books. Books published 2023-2025 are eligible. The Evergreen categories are for any books published since January 1, 2000. Living Now Book Awards are open to authors, illustrators, and publishers worldwide of books written in English.

To enter, fill in all applicable information below. When you complete your online entry, the final step in the process is printing out a copy of your entry, along with mailing instructions for sending judging copies (one copy per category entered). Email address is required and very important, as this is how we communicate with you about judging and results updates. If you would like to submit an ebook for your entry, please send a PDF to
If you have any questions about your entry, click HERE.

Program: Living Now
Price: $99.00 per category

Entry Information

* all fields are required
Book Title:
Click on Box to Select a Category - Fee is Charged for Each Category Selected:
General Categories
 01. Cooking- General
 02. Cooking- Holiday/Specialty
 03. Gift/Keepsake/Coffee Table
 04. Journal/Activity/Coloring Book
 05. Animals/Pets
 06. Green Living
 07. Family/Parenting
 08. Social Activism/Charity
 09. Personal Development/Growth
 10. Motivation/Self-Improvement
 11. Gender/Sexuality
 12. Relationships/Marriage
 13 . Inspirational Memoir - Male
 14. Inspirational Memoir - Female
 15. Enlightenment/Spirituality
 16. Metaphysical (Astrology, Tarot, Psychic Development, etc.)
 17. Exercise/Fitness/Yoga
 18. Health/Wellness
 19. Relaxation/Mindfulness
 20. Mature Living and Caregiving
 21. Grieving/Death & Dying
 22. How-To/DIY
 23. General Fiction
 24. Romance Fiction
 25. Children's Inspirational Picture Book
 26. Digital Media (e-book or audiobook)
 EB1 - Living Now Evergreen Book Medal for World Peace
 EB2 - Living Now Evergreen Book Medal for Health & Wellness
 EB3 - Living Now Evergreen Book Medal for Personal Growth
 EB4 - Living Now Evergreen Book Medal for Spiritual Leadership
 EB5 - Living Now Evergreen Book Medal for Nature Conservation
 EB6 - Living Now Evergreen Book Medal for Fiction