
A Short History of Book Publishing
A Short History of Book Publishing
by Jillian Bergsma Manning

From Gutenberg to eBooks and More

Have you ever wondered how the evolution of book publishing went from printing books one at a time in basements, to niche publishing houses in major cities, and finally to worldwide multimedia conglom …   read more

Let's Celebrate Independent Bookstores Everyday
Let's Celebrate Independent Bookstores Everyday

Bookstores are a vital part of the fabric of our society

 Independent Bookstore Day was celebrated on the last Saturday of April, but let's celebrate and support our local indie bookstores every day! According to the NationalToday.com we …   read more

Rock Your Book Marketing with the ELVIS Method
Rock Your Book Marketing with the ELVIS Method
by Jim Barnes

What Would Elvis and the Colonel Do?

One of the most interesting news items so far in 2024 occurred when Tennessee Governor Bill Lee announced the ELVIS Act (Ensuring Likeness Voice and Image Security Act), a bill designed to protect son …   read more

Punk Rock Publishing
Punk Rock Publishing

Success From the Underground Up

In the world of book publishing, success is often equated with blockbuster bestsellers and mainstream, front-window-of-the-chain-bookstore recognition. However, there is an alternative, 'underground' …   read more